Part ONE:
Pre-school party

Ariel all ready to go!

The kids were so cute singing their spooky songs and showing off their costumes.

Taryn's buddy Ruby.
They are tight.

Tar's teacher's Miss Denise and Miss Laurie

and here is Sebastian the crab!
They looked so cute together :)

Part TWO:
Saw thriller with the girls... (well not the little ones :)


We were scccuuurrrddd

then we went home in the snow
part TRES:
Trunk or Treat.

Taryn and her buddy Becca.
(Taryn called her Princess Aroura the whole time)

I'm always a witch... it's easy and I love my hat :)

3 out of the 9 kids from my Primary class. I sure love these girls!

Getting candy from our car.
Their bags were filled by the end!

Such cute friends!
Funny story: They didn't want the night to end.... Becca's mom, Mariann, said they'd bring Taryn home because they were having so much fun. They climbed into the back of Mariann's car and when it was time to finally head home they told her to keep driving, so she went around the block a few times while they giggled and sang along to the mama mia soundtrack!
Part FOUR:
Carving Pumpkins
Our original pumpkins were stolen! How rude... :(
Actually I may or may not have done that with the deli boys I worked with in high school. They wanted to smash them by tossing them out the car window while driving... yeah that may have happened. I guess I deserved it in a way.
So I got a couple straglers the night before Halloween for us to carve.

We made Taryn's a kitty cat. - I think her face here is hilarious

Robbie carved his usual Ute pumpkin and he gave blood earlier. Way to go Robbles.
I just drilled holes in my chubby pumpkin, but it didn't light up too well.

and last but not least...
Part FIVE:
October 31st... crazy rainy dreary weather which is very fitting for the holiday, but not the trick or treaters. Robbie and Taryn ventured out anyway and were gone quite awhile. I stayed back with Tenley and passed out candy. We had so many kids come by, we ran out of goodies and I ended up giving some kids granola bars! haha

Heading out in the rain

After a warm bath, we had yummy chili in bread bowls and pumpkin cookies for dessert.
and that's our Halloween. :)
Pre-school party
Ariel all ready to go!
The kids were so cute singing their spooky songs and showing off their costumes.
Taryn's buddy Ruby.
They are tight.
Tar's teacher's Miss Denise and Miss Laurie
and here is Sebastian the crab!
They looked so cute together :)
Part TWO:
Saw thriller with the girls... (well not the little ones :)
We were scccuuurrrddd
then we went home in the snow
part TRES:
Trunk or Treat.
Taryn and her buddy Becca.
(Taryn called her Princess Aroura the whole time)
I'm always a witch... it's easy and I love my hat :)
3 out of the 9 kids from my Primary class. I sure love these girls!
Getting candy from our car.
Their bags were filled by the end!
Such cute friends!
Funny story: They didn't want the night to end.... Becca's mom, Mariann, said they'd bring Taryn home because they were having so much fun. They climbed into the back of Mariann's car and when it was time to finally head home they told her to keep driving, so she went around the block a few times while they giggled and sang along to the mama mia soundtrack!
Part FOUR:
Carving Pumpkins
Our original pumpkins were stolen! How rude... :(
Actually I may or may not have done that with the deli boys I worked with in high school. They wanted to smash them by tossing them out the car window while driving... yeah that may have happened. I guess I deserved it in a way.
So I got a couple straglers the night before Halloween for us to carve.
We made Taryn's a kitty cat. - I think her face here is hilarious
Robbie carved his usual Ute pumpkin and he gave blood earlier. Way to go Robbles.
I just drilled holes in my chubby pumpkin, but it didn't light up too well.
and last but not least...
Part FIVE:
October 31st... crazy rainy dreary weather which is very fitting for the holiday, but not the trick or treaters. Robbie and Taryn ventured out anyway and were gone quite awhile. I stayed back with Tenley and passed out candy. We had so many kids come by, we ran out of goodies and I ended up giving some kids granola bars! haha
Heading out in the rain
After a warm bath, we had yummy chili in bread bowls and pumpkin cookies for dessert.
and that's our Halloween. :)