It's about time for me to get to bed - but not before one more post...just some pictures of how eventful our Christmas day went. I love Christmas morning, I think that feeling of butterflies and anxiousness will never go away! I LOVE IT!

Opening the first present of the day - her favorite, a book

On our way to the Cox household

The before of our glorious gifts!

Auggie getting a new bed and blanket - Robbie got some fun new things from mwah and The Cox family

Taryn scored in the hat department

Next it was time to head to my Grandma and Grandpa McClellan's house. Every time a new addition is made to the family they get a hand made stocking! - looks like they may need a bigger fireplace soon!

The 2 great-grandkids, Ayda and Taryn! - My cousins Tabby and Sammy and my Aunt Patty

Patty gave her a sweater that matched the hat Taylor had given perfect!

Saying goodbye to Liz and Dave...we Love you!

Now over to the Wilson's - opening more presents and getting twinner (or tripleter?) shirts

Playing some guitar hero and watching baby Rigley make Carrie's belly grow (that vinyl saying on the wall with the frames is what Carrie gave Margo...great gift Carrie!!)
Opening the first present of the day - her favorite, a book
On our way to the Cox household
The before of our glorious gifts!
Auggie getting a new bed and blanket - Robbie got some fun new things from mwah and The Cox family
Taryn scored in the hat department
Next it was time to head to my Grandma and Grandpa McClellan's house. Every time a new addition is made to the family they get a hand made stocking! - looks like they may need a bigger fireplace soon!
The 2 great-grandkids, Ayda and Taryn! - My cousins Tabby and Sammy and my Aunt Patty
Patty gave her a sweater that matched the hat Taylor had given perfect!
Saying goodbye to Liz and Dave...we Love you!
Now over to the Wilson's - opening more presents and getting twinner (or tripleter?) shirts
Playing some guitar hero and watching baby Rigley make Carrie's belly grow (that vinyl saying on the wall with the frames is what Carrie gave Margo...great gift Carrie!!)