Lisa and Brett are officially hitched! It's amazing how much time, planning, and money go into something like a wedding and then it's all done and over with in one day. But we had a great time and it's a day Lisa and Brett will cherish for the rest of their lives!

They were married in the Salt Lake Temple
September 12th, 2007

This was actually at the dinner the night before...Taryn was SO cute!

Robbie and I couldn't resist!

Coming out of the Salt Lake Temple, what a beautiful sight!

Taryn had just about had it...she was starvin...

Lauren and Amy

Robbie and Taylor looking handsome

All the grandkids from the Healey side plus Taryn

The bridesmaids...yes there were 11 of us! There are a lot of Healey's!

Elise, Lisa, and Stephanie...a couple of her good friends

Me and baby booga

Some of the decorations. It looked so pretty when the sun was setting...the prisms started to shine and the candles were lit up... it looked beautiful!


There goes the guarder...woo woo

Brett and his posy

I forgot to get a picture of the real car, but it was decorated really cute! Amy had tied Diet Coke and Dr. Pepper cans (Lisa and Brett's favorites) to the she had cut out cute letters that said Just Married and stuck them on with whip cream! Much classier than our messy car we left in on our wedding day! We had to clean up peanut butter, dish soap, oreos, and who knows what else...YUCK!

They were married in the Salt Lake Temple
September 12th, 2007
This was actually at the dinner the night before...Taryn was SO cute!
Robbie and I couldn't resist!
Coming out of the Salt Lake Temple, what a beautiful sight!
Taryn had just about had it...she was starvin...
Lauren and Amy
Robbie and Taylor looking handsome
All the grandkids from the Healey side plus Taryn
The bridesmaids...yes there were 11 of us! There are a lot of Healey's!
Elise, Lisa, and Stephanie...a couple of her good friends
Me and baby booga
Some of the decorations. It looked so pretty when the sun was setting...the prisms started to shine and the candles were lit up... it looked beautiful!
There goes the guarder...woo woo
Brett and his posy

I forgot to get a picture of the real car, but it was decorated really cute! Amy had tied Diet Coke and Dr. Pepper cans (Lisa and Brett's favorites) to the she had cut out cute letters that said Just Married and stuck them on with whip cream! Much classier than our messy car we left in on our wedding day! We had to clean up peanut butter, dish soap, oreos, and who knows what else...YUCK!