was the mileage our team of 12 put on their legs this past weekend. We ran the Wasatch back and it was pure craziness, but a ton of fun!
Car #1 started early Friday morning and we met up with them later that afternoon to switch off.

We had the all girl car which I was very grateful for because we all know boys get stinky real fast!... but towards the end we didn't smell so great either.

It was stinkin hot during our first legs, but we still had our energy and excitement to keep us going.
my first leg
3.5 miles
Coming up for the switch
one down...two to go
Kim and I happy to be done running in the heat
Waiting for our next runner Natalie
We had some amazing views
Kim helping Natalie quench her thirst
freaking out about our last leg going up Guardsman's peak

just look at that climb!

How we spent our night...
being CrAzY and wanting to shoot ourselves
all pumped for my second leg
7.5 miles
5 am
getting all situated.
running with the sun coming up
This is how we slept...all 20 minutes of it.
Standing in front of Rock Port while Natalie ran.

This was probably the prettiest run of all.

Our awesome car
The team name was Ragnar Virgins....
cheering on Kim as she finishes her portion of Guardman's and passing the slap bracelet on to me.
Little did I know I'd be facing a monster.

Luckily I had my amazing family to cheer me on and take turns "running."
I had 4 miles to go and it started pouring halfway through. By the time I reached the top it was freezing cold and the rain had turned into ice.
No joke.
My hands were completely numb as well as my clothes being soaked through.
After all was said and done we found out they had told all the teams behind us to call it quits because the weather had become so chaotic.
Definitely an experience I will never forget.

FINALLY finished Saturday evening
Natalie is my new hero.
She ran down that insane mountain with the sleet/rain in record time!

The entire team at the finish line.
How 'bout we do it all over again!!!