Healthy and Whole....these words have an entirely new meaning to me.
My Dad is in the ICU, he has been there since Friday morning. I have never had a trial like this before and I am touched by how many angels are near me and my family as we pray constantly for my Dad to keep fighting.
My Dad is the description of strong. He never gives up, I have full faith in him that he will recover and stay here with his family. My Dad loves us so very much, he does everything for us. He is a healthy man and unfortunately had a bad mix of pneumonia mixed with swine flu.
That combo is bad...bad bad bad.
Yesterday was awful. I know yesterday was when my Dad was losing in his game against the swine. The doctors had to do their jobs and tell my Mom hard things. We cried and cried and cried... but then we prayed and prayed and prayed. Heavenly Father has heard our prayers and has talked to us through the scriptures. I know this. I know he is helping my Dad fight back.
Today I woke up with the most calming and overwhelming love. I didn't even waver the thought that things would get worse. Worse is not an option. Lisa (my sister) felt the same way, we know our Dad. He rocks, he won't let something like the stupid swine flu make him take his exit. Last night his nurse turned on some classic rock, which knowing my Dad, gave him a boost. Led Zeppelin can change things ;)
Today has been filled with good news, but by no means has let us out of the woods. These woods are thick and deep, but my Dad is good at finding his way out of anywhere. He's going to find the best way out and make sure he doesn't get lost.

I know it.
Shawna, I have been thinking about you and your family so much! I am so sorry you guys have had to go through all of this. I know your dad can make it through this! Just know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!! love you!
Shawna, I am so sorry. I'll keep your family in my prayers. It really helps to have such a good attitude when things go wrong. Good luck with everything.
We r praying for y'all too! It's so hard to see our dads (our supermans) hurting. We r thinking of you!
I'm so sorry to hear about your dad... I have always thought that he suchan awesome guy! You are in my thoughts and prayers! It's always nice to know that our Father in Heaven is always there with us especially through our hard times!
Shawna - We are SO praying for your family... PLEASE let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do for ANY of you. (((hugs)))
love this post! and i love you! you and your sisters and brother are just as strong as your dad! your whole family can accompish hard things and you are doing just that! stay strong for your mom, she needs all of you so much!
Shawna, there are many of us that have not seen you or your family in YEARS that are thinking of you and praying for you and yours. Hold strong - sending love your way. Shauna Godfrey (we still talk about you, our awesome babysitter)
Best wishes to your dad and family from Germany!
It's amazing how fast things can go wrong. But turning to the Lord is the best thing you can do in the darkest times. Your dad is a fighter and he can get through this. You and your family are in my prayers and were included in my fast this past Sunday. Love you and take care of your him or her inside of you!!
We have been praying constantly for you guys! I admire your strength and faith through all of this. We love you guys!
James and I are constantly praying for your dad and your family. I'm so sorry. Ug, what a hard thing. May you all continue to feel the Lord's comfort. I know that He will bless you and your family. I sure admire your faith and courage. Love you!
This breaks me. I know things will get better too. I love you guys.
Shawna. Heard the news. We Love you. Big big hug. We pray for you and your family for peace and comfort.
Shawna & Rob & Taryn, We heard the news about your dad. We cannot believe it. We love you and are thinking and praying for you. You have been in our thoughts and prayers all week. Even little Saylor has been praying for you. You have an amazing family...full of love. Love you!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family right now. We have always looked up to you both and are thinking about you. We hope you are blessed with comfort and know that you are loved and cared about by so many people.
I hope you don't mind that I dont actually know you. I saw your blog from a friends and just wanted to let you know that my heart hurts for you. I know our beliefs are the same and you will have the comfort of our Heavenly Father during this difficult time. My Father passed away 10 years ago this month. He was 50 as well and although my loss is similar I have forgotten much about that time. I wanted to let you know though that the one thing I will never forget is the comfort I felt from the prayers that were said in my families behalf and the love and comfort I felt from my Savior. I am so sorry for your loss and want you to know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Shawna, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. You're in our thoughts and prayers. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us, and it doesn't seem fair or right a lot of the time. But I know He is the best to lean on when times are hard. I lost my dad when I was young but I know we can be together again, and that's what gets me through hard days. We love you.
Shawna, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. You have such an amazing family. I loved being in their ward and I just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about and praying for all of you.
I am so sorry but Steven and I won't be able to make the funeral today. We really wanted to but we couldn't make it work out. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you all day. We are thinking of you and your family. We love you!
Shawna, I just wanted to let you know how very sorry I am to hear about the loss of your dad. I really can't believe it. I pray that your family will have strength at this time and I just wanted to say that my love and prayers are with you!
Shawna, My sister Amanda is in your parents ward. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. What a shock.
Please know there are people thinking of you.
Shawna, I read your dad's obituary in the paper Sunday, and called the salon on Monday to get the scoop. I cannot quit thinking about you and your cute family. You will be in my prayers!!! I am so sorry, and hope you can find peace and comfort in this trying time. Thank goodness for the gospel and for Eternal Families!!! Love you!!! Kerrah
P.S. I didn't even know you were pregnant, congrats! We need to talk(&/or play) soon!
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