So this past weekend we had some good times and some bad times...first a couple of my cute pregnant friends and I went to the baby expo, it ended up being a lot of fun (we wrote everything down in detail to go home and make ourselves!) Ya, typical Utah moms...
Trying out the baby sling - that was the biggest hit at the show
The bellies!
This was the ONE and ONLY time she sat in her eat. I cannot believe she's old enough to throw a fit and kick her legs and arch her back until she starts to fall out the bottom!
Wow what a diva.
Then we went to the Blaze game down at the Delta - oops I mean Energy Solutions Center (I don't think I'll ever get the nhang of that one!) Brooke and Jordan came along and it was pretty fun, especially the beginning when they had the players run out...there were flames that went like 50 feet into the air and crazy lights and loud music and Taryn didn't even freak out...she just watched in amazment. But the worst part of the night was losing monkitty (which we pronounce munk-itty) Ya, like usual we were in a hurry to get there on time and we parked at the Gateway so as we rushed over I threw monkitty under my arm and the next thing I knew it was gone :( I'm sure I'm the one that's the most upset over this loss, but Taryn cried the entire ride home because she had nothing to hold and cuddle to fall asleep. But the good news is my little sister Amy gave her a really cute puppy she got up in midway at the Homestead. I'm sure Taryn doesn't even know the difference. I actually found one of these Kitty's at the Ebay store online but it was $20 bucks! now we need a name for this cute little puppy...

Where's my Monkitty??? :(

Robbie found Taryn like this - she had crawled into her little saucer, what a goof!
And I just laugh everytime I look at this face...