and then after all the celebrating, traditional get togethers, gift shopping, and finally the Christmas morning glory.... it's done.
Just like that.
Here are the last few moments of celebrating we enjoyed.
It's a CHRISTMAS PARTYYYYYYY!! - Words of Taryn
The kids had a mini Christmas party making ornaments, gift bags, and cookies. They also exchanged their cute gifts to one another.
I think this party will be a new tradition for sure.

Ava (5), Gage (2), and Taryn (3)

a few of their creations :)
Our Sunday Best Christmas Attire

-blah picture of me... but my girls looked adorable :) -

I love their matching pea coats!
Lights at Temple Square

It was a chilly Monday night, the week of Christmas, and we made it our FHE to go see the lights at temple square.

Tenley never made a peep.
I wanted to be her in that cozy stroller.

Taryn begged to go inside. She peeked in this window and exclaimed, "I see carpet Mommy!"

then she took off her glove to feel the "sparkly" rock

CHRISTMAS DAY............
UGH! We were so busy, I totally forgot to take pictures at our own house of the girls opening gifts!! Well, I did video tape.
So here are the few pictures I did take....

We were all spoiled with gifts from grandma

uncle Tay got her some sweet van's shoes :)

my booga's cute grin

The newest stocking made at my Grandma's house
I guess it was your turn for pictures this year Tenley Jane!
That's whatcha get for being attached to Mommy constantly...
I did get a video of Taryn opening her big present.
I think this party will be a new tradition for sure.
Ava (5), Gage (2), and Taryn (3)
a few of their creations :)
Our Sunday Best Christmas Attire
-blah picture of me... but my girls looked adorable :) -
I love their matching pea coats!
Lights at Temple Square
It was a chilly Monday night, the week of Christmas, and we made it our FHE to go see the lights at temple square.
Tenley never made a peep.
I wanted to be her in that cozy stroller.
Taryn begged to go inside. She peeked in this window and exclaimed, "I see carpet Mommy!"
then she took off her glove to feel the "sparkly" rock
CHRISTMAS DAY............
UGH! We were so busy, I totally forgot to take pictures at our own house of the girls opening gifts!! Well, I did video tape.
So here are the few pictures I did take....
We were all spoiled with gifts from grandma
uncle Tay got her some sweet van's shoes :)
my booga's cute grin
The newest stocking made at my Grandma's house
I guess it was your turn for pictures this year Tenley Jane!
That's whatcha get for being attached to Mommy constantly...
I did get a video of Taryn opening her big present.
But this tops it all.
I don't even know how many hours and effort went into these, but I will be forever grateful!
I sure love my Mom and Dad.
It was a Very Merry Christmas indeed.