We spent the day yesterday walking around Gardner Village checking out the witches...Robbie had never actually been to Gardner Village so it was a new experience for him. It was pretty packed with the kiddos being out of school for UEA, but we made the rounds. Robbie was a good sport as I stopped and poked my head in and out of all the little boutiques...I think there was one other dad besides Robbie walking around!

This one is for you Taylor

Later in the evening we carved up some pumpkins! The smell of carving pumpkins reminds me of going with the neighbor kids to the Fassler's house for their annual Halloween party! We'd play pin the nose on the witch, stick our hands into a big pot of guts looking for a certain body part, eat lots of goodies, and end it all with carving pumkins. Those were fun times and fun memories!!!

This one is for you Taylor
Later in the evening we carved up some pumpkins! The smell of carving pumpkins reminds me of going with the neighbor kids to the Fassler's house for their annual Halloween party! We'd play pin the nose on the witch, stick our hands into a big pot of guts looking for a certain body part, eat lots of goodies, and end it all with carving pumkins. Those were fun times and fun memories!!!