Here are some pictures to prove it... (my camera is somewhere hiding, so I've had to resort to using my phone.)
This is how we stay busy day after day...
meeting and playing with the pet therapy doggies!
She loved this one. Her name was Mary and she was so sweet.
Tenley wanted to do everything she was doing.
We watch people walk back and forth from the parking garage...
and watch for our own friends and family!

This is what she looooves to do. Especially when she is free from the IV tower.

She also has been telling me all about the man with the white fluffy hair. That he cut down a cherry tree and couldn't tell a lie.
Then there's the man with the black beard who is on all of our penny's and was a really good man.
You should hear her recite the pledge of allegiance. Cutest thing ever.
Tenley's counts still haven't dropped all the way down. They have to hit zero and then make their way back up slowly before we get to say peace out f.o.r.e.v.e.r! I was so shocked to learn her ANC was at 7700 when we started this round! That is like a totally normal happy ANC! I will take that and run with it any day!
Last night was one of those nights when I had to repeat over and over... we can do this, we are almost out of here, I can handle this for a couple more weeks.
The nurse has to check Tenley's vitals every 4 hours. Even during the night. Tenley is usually pretty good about sleeping through them, but at 4 am it seems like she thinks it's a wake up call.
This morning was no different.
I tried to ignore her and pretend to be asleep hoping she would lay back down, but finally around 5:30 I got her out of the crib and we rocked for awhile. She kept pointing to the TV and I'd say softly, "no." Which then led to a major cry fest. At 7 am she was snoring and after I tried transitioning her to the crib with no luck, we turned on the TV.
By the time 9:00 came and a wonderful friend of ours (Sandi Rice) came to take over... I was feeling so frustrated by this whiny child of mine. She was so overly tired and crying about anything and everything. That's what ya get when you wake up at 4! Thankfully she didn't cry for long after I left, and Sandi was happy to rock and love her.
Then there is my 4 year old. She had a rough night of her own. Let's just say there was a major tantrum going on in the middle of the night. It involved kicking and scratching my poor sister Amy.
So, again I will repeat... We can do this! We are almost done! We can handle it for a few more weeks!
Then it will be on to a getaway here.
and here.
I can't wait to go HERE!
Watching the videos makes me cry just knowing we will have made it through! I think I'll cry with every magical moment.
Then it will be Spring and Summer and Babies! Oh my!!!