Monday, November 19, 2007

Queen of the BED...

Taryn is over 6 months old and still hasn't slept through the night, so this week we have been trying to let Taryn cry it out when she wakes up...let me tell ya this is one of the hardest things I have done since I have become a mom. Saturday night she cried on and off for about 45 minutes until she was finally out. Sunday night it was an hour and a half...Robbie is the one I send in to check on her and reassure her that she's ok and we're still here. But he had dosed off and I couldn't stand it anymore so I went in and as soon as I said your ok and started to pat her tummy she looked up with the biggest saddest tear filled eyes and grabbed my I could let her cry more after that!!! So as soon as I picked her up she calmed right down and I sneaked her into our bed and she fell right asleep cuddled up next to me. She's only going to be a baby once and want to cuddle in my arms for so long, so why not let her be the queen of our bed! I love nothing more than waking up to her smiling face!


Ali said...

You are a nice Mommy! Eliza has never once slept in our bed! As a newborn, I was paranoid that we'd roll on her. At seven weeks, we put her in her crib and thats where she's been ever since! I wonder how it will work with baby #2? Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow!

JamieD said...

Once you let them in they never leave!! As we speak, 5 out of the 6 of us are in my bed right now.. I'll take a picture of it so you can see the sheer craziness of it all. But when they're as cute as they are its hard to make them leave! Happy Turkey Day!

Mindy said...

It sounds awful! Hang in there, it will be worth it!