This was my first year going out in the wee hours of the morning for the Black Friday madness. Let me just say it was pure F.U.N! We're starting a new tradition, and you gotta have the will power to stay up from 12am to 7am if you wanna join our crew next year. Here's a little peek into our super crazy night.
12:00 am
Starting the night off with some super charged caffeinated drinks.
12:15 am
In line for the Park City Outlets
12:20 am
Sugar goes great with caffeine
12:30 am
The beginning of our photo shoot madness.
First purchases of the night.
1:00 am
Someone is stealing our lines and putting them on T-shirts!
1:45 am
Brrrrr, we're cold

2:00 am
Caffeine, Sugar, and sleep deprivation is really kickin in

2:15 am
Just striking a pose
3:00 am
Ahh, is it really 3 in the mornin!?!?
We really found some good stuff.
3:30 am
We only brought Natalie along to carry the bags.
4:00 am
It's snowing!

4:30am - 6:00am
No pictures taken, too busy getting great buys for $2.99 or less!
6:00 am
Too bad we couldn't find anything good ;)
Nothin like ending the night (or morning) with some Micky Dee's!

We're spent
And that's all folks!
Be back next year!
That looks like so much fun! I've never ventured out to the outlets before for black friday. I've done the Targets and Walmarts, but this is a whole new side of black friday I didn't know about. Good to know for next year...
ha that is great! sadly I'm one of those people who will go to great lengths to NOT ever shop on black Friday. I will pay more, whatever it takes! But looks like fun....
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