Saturday, May 31, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
American Idol and our David Archuleta

first SUMMER - now FALL???
The story that goes with the upcoming pictures....
Monday I got Taryn another swim suit. I couldn't resist, they are SO cute when they're so small and summery! I went to Old Navy and found this one that I fell in love with when they first put them out. This time it was on sale for $9.99 - and I had to have it! Then I went to my mom's to show it off and of course had to have Taryn model it...then my sister Amy and I took her out on the grass (which she hates) so we put a beach towel down and put the sprinkler on....just a little sprinkle to dip toes in. Then we added in the popsicle to make for a real summer photo shoot.
Enjoy...and bring back the warm - not hot - weather!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Also known as Chocolate.
Yep, it's official...besides the obvious looks, this one really is my daughter if she has the same passion for this delicious delight! I gave her a chocolate covered pretzel (Fliptz chocolate covered pretzels with TCBY swirled yogurt to be exact) THE BEST! Also known to be an Albertson's 10 for $10 item! Well, I looked away for a few seconds and the next thing I knew she was covered like this...going to town!
That's my girl!!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
And It Burns Burns Burns
This is what happens when you do yard work wearing your jogging clothes and haven't seen the summer sun for a year...
The lyrics to Johnny Cash's "Ring of Fire" are playing in my head as I think of the burning of my back...
I didn't realize how long I was outside today working on our flower beds! Taryn was taking an amazingly long nap that I just wanted to keep working. I was in such a mode I didn't want to stop and change my running shoes let alone apply some much needed sunblock! YIKES!
Thank the Good One for Aloe Vera and Tylenol!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Gateway

getting nervous

Too scared
Those look like fun!
Little buddies
My Little Peanut
Then they wrapped plastic and ace bandages around her arms to make sure the sweat didn't evaporate while we waited 30 minutes. We went upstairs to visit my sister Lisa who works in the dental clinic but she could only wave "hi", they were so busy...
then we played with toys, they have some pretty sweet toys!
Then it was on to the worst part of all....getting the blood drawn. I don't know how I had the courage to stay in the same room and not shed a tear, but I stayed and it was hard. They had to do it twice because the first time they went through the vain, seriously so sad! All in all there were 6 tests to run and we're still waiting to hear back about two.

But GOOD NEWS....she doesn't have CF, her thyroid is fine, and she's not anemic!!! YAY!!! So, she's just our little peanut and that's just fine by me! I guess we'll just keep adding butter to her food and be grateful she's healthy and happy!! :)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
To end our weekend of events we celebrated Mother's Day... Robbie got me the Magic Bullet set!

YES, I've wanted this for awhile, how he remembers these things is beyond me...I got lucky in this department! He also made me homemade Egg Mcmuffins and a strawberry Lemonade slushy (using my new gift) And then later cleaned the kitchen... yup I scored a keeper!
So this was my second Mother's Day. Last year at this time I was home with my brand new baby girl. I have loved and enjoyed all the moments of being a new mother. It is truly amazing the love I have for my baby. I love this job and wouldn't trade it for a thing!
I also love my mom! Thank you for being such a fun, kind, loving, would do anything for me mom. You're the best and I hope I can be just like you!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
The Set-Up. I had so much fun planning and decorating for this little Birthday Bash!
Taryn’s little buddy Ava. These two love each other!
Opening gifts…with each one came a big huge SMILE! Thanks everyone!
This is how she was the ENTIRE time! It was so fun!
She even got a BARBIE CD player…
I LOVE my Birthday!
Going in for the CAKE. Not much of a messy eater, she was being shy with it.