Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A New Week Begins!

A new week! It feels a lifetime away from last week. I can't even match each event to each day last week. What a blur.... But here we are, going strong and facing this head on.

Tenley has proven that she is a strong force to be reckoned with! They warned us that by her 3rd or 4th day of chemo, she'd most likely loose her appetite and could get pretty grouchy.
Well, we are on day 6 and she's been eating (most) of the meals and snacking on plenty of goodies! Not to mention, smiling all the while! I haven't stopped praying thanking Heavenly Father for this wonderful blessing.

She basically get's to eat whatever she wants... so Halloween candy, you came at the perfect time. She loves....
french fries
goldfish crackers
loorna doone's - you know mom's just what I'm talking about, the best cookies at the hospital.
and of course... Diet Coke

The only out of the ordinary (but not really) moments I have noticed have been her tantrums. Now, I've seen this girl throw a tantrum before and they can be wicked... but this, this was I.N.S.A.N.E.

On Sunday when I had to change her diaper, her bracelets fell off.
...Whoa... that was it for her.

Like THAT. WAS. IT!!!!

15 minutes later I was sweating, she was sweating, and I think the nurses were sweating.
We're talking arching back, arms and legs flailing, and screaming galore! I finally got her to chill and the nurses decided to change up her benedryl to a different drug. Somtimes the benedryl has the opposite effect. I'm still not positive if it was caused by that, or the fact that she is 19 months old and is used to getting down and playing around to get all of her energy out.
It happened again -luckily with just me there- about 4 more times between Sunday and Monday. I called my mom crying the last time and said I hated seeing her react like this. She reminded me that it was actually a good thing... It shows just how hard she is willing to put up a fight. I'd rather have a tantrum throwing toddler over a lethargic one any day.

Other big news... She walked. By herself. She had not walked for a whole week.
It totally reminded me of Jacob Marley's Ghost from A Christmas Carol. Walking all wobbly with cords hanging down. She was determined though, and I've never felt more proud, it didn't even compare to the first time she walked 7 months ago.

She is becoming more and more used to the idea of having nurses come in and out, scanning her I.D. tag, giving her leg a "hug" with the blood pressure monitor, and checking all the other necessities.
It's been fun getting to know the nurses. They are all our favorite. Robbie told the administrator that as soon as we've decided so and so is our favorite nurse, we get a new amazing one and change our minds. They really have the best ones there. I'm sure Tenley will become one of their favorite's too ;) She is pretty irresistible.

I am dying to post some pictures, but I didn't bring my camera cord... so once I get it figured out, I will have a big post of overload pics! There are some dang cute ones.

I can't believe Christmas is around the corner. I have a feeling we will be stuck in the hospital, but we will deck the halls there and celebrate life as it continues on like it always does.
So life of week two - WE ARE READY FOR YOU!!!!


Natalie said...

Thanks for the update, Shawna. It's nice to know and be able to share with the kids how Tenley is doing. I'm glad she's a tough cookie! You are amazing.

Abe and Lisa said...

Go Tenley! Glad she is walking again and that you're being well taken care of at the hospital. You're positive attitude is amazng. We would love to come visit you guys sometime. I'm sad I couldn't come see you last week. Keep on hanging in there!

KWit said...

You rock Shawna!!! And that little girl rocks everything. I can just see her tantrum and your mom is so right that it's that killer spunk in her that is the best thing for her! I remember when she'd scream as LOUD as she could in the car and then just grin at you.... you could tell she was thinking..."What mom! Whatcha going to do!" THANK YOU so much for these updates, we think of you all SO often and hearing from you is so wonderful. You are never alone! Hugs always!!

Sadie said...

Hey my little boy has his line removal up there tomorrow and we will be in ICS for a minute for him to "ring the bell" (not sure if u have heard this yet) anyways I would love to stop by for a minute and meet you...would that be ok?? So so glad that things are going good so far :-)

Katherine said...

What a strong little girl! I was checking out your mom's pics on facebook, she is looking so good, just chillin and watching a show! I got my rally bracelet yesterday, so darling. Buz is offended I didn't get him one, so I guess we'll just have to keep them coming! Love you guys, you're in our prayers. xoxo

Tyler and Dru said...

i admire you! tenley's a fighter because she comes from an amazing line of fighters! this was inspirational to read. thanks for sharing.

Tyler and Dru said...

ps. I had Taryn in my primary class on Sunday and she was a joy! i hope it continues.

Artfulife said...

Praying for you & your family! Glad to hear she is being spunky. Your mom is right :) Hugs from the Swansons!!!!

Piano Mom said...

I know this might sound odd, but being in the hospital for the holidays is pretty neat. Of course, nothing beats being home with family, but there is a special spirit in ICS during THanksgiving and Christmas there. So many people do so much and give so much. Erin finished her last round of chemo the week before Christmas and those weeks flew by because so many people think of the "cancer kids" during the holidays. I think just about everyday Erin received some magnificent gift from donors. It really made the time fly and we didn't feel so bad that we weren't home.

My heart aches when you talk about the tantrums. Erin did the same thing. She always reacted the opposite to the Benadryl so she never got it after the first week. The first time I changed her dressing on her Broviac I went out to the car and bawled for an hour in the parking garage (it was the only place I could think of where I could be alone). It was so hard to see my daughter so upset. Hang in there, it gets better.

Whitney and Family said...

Thanks for keeping your blog updated! It's nice to be able to see how you are all doing without everyone having to bug you! Glad it seems to be okay so far!! I'm sure if you're there for the holidays, Miss Tenley's room will be the most decked out/darling room ever! Her bed already looks so cute from your FB pictures! It's so fun that Taryn can come watch movies with you guys! Hope everything keeps going well!!! You're constantly in my thoughts and prayers and I've been rocking my Tenley rally bracelet!!

Rachel Haack said...

We love you guys!

Kisses for our Tenley girl, and Miss Taryn too, let us know if we can do anything. I have been so inspired by these updates, thanks for keeping us up to speed.


Natalie in Sparks said...

It's good she is a fighter, but tantrums are hard regardless.... I am glad you are keeping us updated.

Cute little Tenley - I am sure the nurses love her!